Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, EVENT Project has been working in Nepal enhancing skill oriented activates. As far as we know that EVENT has been conducting different skill based activities, which are really necessary for the trainees. Moreover, it has focused on females, so called endangered, marginal, economically and socially backward people to gain knowledge and develop skills getting different trainings and even academic programs.

It is a matter of pleasure for us being selected for performance grants of EVENT. We have been a part of this project for more than two years. During this period EVENT has provided Rs 1,03,78,483.00 indifferent periods to us which we have been utilizing for the overall development of the institution. Laboratories are regarded as the backbone of technical education. NPI has well equipped laboratories simply because of the grants provided by EVENT. Due the the availability of wide space, necessary instruments, chemicals, and essential materials the students of this institution have been getting much benefits. Likewise, many of the excursions have been done using the fund donated by EVENT. From there excursions, students are getting advantages with the ample knowledge for their related field.

The electronic attendance system, probably NPI had introduced for the first time in chitwan, installed due to the amount of money granted by EVENT. Apart from these educational activities, NPI has offered to faculties to take part different seminars, workshops, trainings etc. for their personality development. Overall, a performance grant to NPI has been boon to deliver technical education for the socially and economically deprived group which will ensure their better career ahead. Consequently, NPI has been getting milestone due to continuous support from EVENT. Currently, NPI has become the largest technical institution across the nation. Hence, it has sound infrastructures, wide range of books, laboratory equipments, regular field visits and well-experienced faculties, which are possible due to the tremendous support given by EVENT.